P-04-604 Diabetes Patient Reference Groups / Diabetic Planning and Delivery Groups in Powys – Correspondence from the Petitioner to the Chair of the Committee, 13.01.2015

In response to the attached letter from William Powell AM I would be obliged if the following could be brought to the attention of the Petitions Committee.

Dear Mr. Powell,

Thank you for your letter of December 2014 detailing the Petitions Committee consideration of my submission.  As is stated in the attached letter from Mr. Mark Drakeford AM, Minister for

Health and Social Services, the Powys Diabetic Planning and Delivery Group has now met and I am pleased to report that future meetings, on a quarterly basis, are now planned and a commitment has been given to re-establish the local Patient Reference Groups.

Given assurances that the prescribed channels of patient input into the diabetes planning and delivery process are to be re-established I am content that the Committee will be minded to close the petition.

On behalf of diabetes patients here in Powys I would like to take this opportunity of thanking the Committee for taking on board the issues I raised and particularly the support I have received from yourself and my local AM Mr Russell George.

Yours sincerely,

Robert V.Wright.